1511547_10152761468880865_989361739468152153_oMy lecture at Mitchells Bookshop in November.

I have been invited to present another multimedia lecture and signing of my book, The Art of Greg Spalenka, at Mitchells Bookshop, Saturday, Dec. 13th at 2:00! Whizin Market Square, 28914 Roadside Dr. Agoura Hills, 91301 in the atrium #214. Please arrive early as seating is limited.

Books will be for sale at $35.00.

I will also be lecturing about The Art of Collaboration with Roxana Villa at 4:30 at her studio just down the hall at Roxana Illuminated Perfume. Roxana and I have created some beautiful visions together to celebrate her perfumes. I am revealing a new image for her LA DAME BLANCHE perfume inspired by the Outlander series of books written by Diana Gabaldon after the lecture!

There is also going to be a grand Holiday Fair at Whizin the same day. It is going to be a celebration. Come on by!

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