Perfume, Art, Love, More
Even though my wife Roxana Villa and I work out of our home sometimes we are not privy to what each other is doing because our studios are in different locations. I get lost in my projects and sometimes do not pay enough attention to what is happening in the next room.
When I do have a moment it’s wonderful checking out her laboratory of beautiful fragrances as well as her Roxana Illuminated Perfume Journal which she works on most diligently. It is filled with all the things she loves, from low tech to high touch to transcendent observations of life in all its fascinations. Roxana’s visual vocabulary has a unique aura. Much of her writing revolves around the world of scent but threads of art are woven throughout. The only thing missing is the scent of the awesome botanical perfumes she creates. Alas, you must procure samples to experience those.
In the meantime peruse her posts, even back through the years. I guarantee there is inspiration for you all.