Memory of a Cosmic Heart
The entire arc of the album can be experienced through these song excerpts. It is a journey best heard in sequence. © 2019 Greg Spalenka/Optic Press
The Symbolists
-Laura Sullivan, Grammy® Winning Composer
When is the last time you experienced ecstasy? It is not easy when living in a world of drama and conflict. The daily grind of survival and bombardment of electronic media consumes our attention. It is rare when we experience a feeling of inspired serenity. Can you remember those moments that opened your heart like a lover?
In the frenetic pace of this reality our vision becomes myopic. We lose sight that we are beings of consciousness, energy, and stardust. One way to remember this awareness is to look up at the Milky Way Galaxy on a clear night, take it in and connect to that infinitude. It is an awe inspiring confirmation of our collective memory. This is our natural state. Magnificent Potential. We are physically and energetically made up of star matter. Our DNA is intimately woven with the cosmos. The heart feels something divine when we align with the vibrational heartbeat of this sacred universe.
This is the journey Memory of a Cosmic Heart will take you on. Inspired by the yearning to know our divine origins, it connects us intimately to the music of the spheres and the symphony in our heart.
I invite you to step into the fluid journey of this music and experience its soul opening metaphysics. The purpose of sacred art and music is to retune the frequency of our nervous system from a dissident chord to one of grace. May Memory of a Cosmic Heart awaken the awe within you and the universal melody of harmonious serenity.
There is geometry in the humming of the strings. There is music in the spacing of the spheres. -Pythagoras (6th C. B.C.)
Look for the Memory of a Cosmic Heart illustrated book in 2019. A story filled with fascinating esoterica on astronomy, geology, astrophysics, metaphysics, alchemy and the sun within our hearts.
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